
Saturday, March 31, 2012

memotivasikan diri

*amaran. ayat2 motivasi cuma ada 2 perenggan sahaja dalam entry ini.

its been a week since i slept 3 hours daily and i'm going crazy.
work is now number 2 in my priority list. ok no. number 3. number 2 are my cats.

i'm starting to wonder, are these assignments too much for a part time student, or is it just me who do not know the real meaning of 'time management'.

this semester, i planned to take 5 subjects (yes, a part timer taking 5 subject should just be called a full timer).
again, i wonder, is it the optimistic side of me making that rushed decision or is it called tamak? hahaha

approaching week 2 i dropped 1 subject because i can't manage to go to kl for the class.
with 4 subjects, i positively moved forward..and in week 9 i realised i missed 1 subject.
yes u read it right. missed.missed. (motif ulang 2 kali?)
that subject does not require me to go to class. i just have to choose a subject, communicate with the supervisor and come out with a case study. then, present it in a seminar-way.
because of its 'no-class' system, i totally forgot that i took that subject.
it was week 9 and i have nothing. to start from scratch is impossible. with a the amount of work for other subjects, its..well..speechless.. so i have to tarik diri. sigh~

now i'm left with 3 subjects. but why do i still feel suffocated?
tanda2 stress dah semakin rancak menunjukkan rupa. jerawat, rambut gugur. itu belum cerita tentang pertambahan selera dan berat badan secara mendadak.
ok bab pertambahan selera tu memang sejak kecil.

after all that complaining, it would only be right if i conclude this entry with some motivation to boost my spirit back to level 90. why not 100? ok kalo semangat naik sampai 100 bimbang2 saya jadi mcm edward scissorshand. (please act like u know what i'm talking about)

mana ada student yang senang2 boleh dapat degree? senang2 boleh dpt masters?
semua melalui tempoh2 stress sbb dateline dh dekat tapi satu hape pun x buat lagi.
semua kecuali yang buat kerja awal. kalau terus buat assignment the same week lecturers bagi kerja, mungkin x tension sangat. org lain berkejar2 kesana kumari cari org yg dh siap kerja utk buat rujukan (atau tiru) org yg buat awal boleh gelak2 tgk running man kat pc and buat rumet bengkek. (ok, apa jenis motivasikah ini?)

oklah. let's not look back. theres 2 weeks more to settle my report, study and what not (and don't forget, work). merungut here and lenguhkan jari taip panjang2 bukan boleh siap pun assignment tu. 15 minutes more to earth hour. why not take a step back, chill, relax, and atur semula semua tugasan. that way, instead of looking at everything in one pile, you can settle it one by one. you can do it!!

happy earth hour. hey, jom buat aktiviti earth hour ni every week nak? (mata-mata sinis memandang).

what??!! did i say anything wrong? :p


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